People - General Search
Find LinkedIn People profiles with simple filters.
Quick Search instantly sources LinkedIn People Profiles with corporate emails, through simple filters such as keywords, job titles and locations.
Start Search
Type in filters for your Search.
For example, if you are looking for Partners at McKinsey in London, you can type in
Keywords: McKinsey
Job Title: Partner
Location: London
Use Exclude for any keywords you do not want to see, e.g. BCG.
You can leave fields blank when you don't need them.
Hyperscale will return 10 initial results to check that they are the type of profiles you are looking for.
Click on any of the profiles to check, then click Next to continue.
Click 'Start Sourcing Leads', then type in the number of profiles you would like to scrape. You can scrape up to 100 in every search.
View Results
Go to Manage Leads
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Note that some searches may take longer to verify every email that comes back
Tips and Tricks
Keep each search simple - use a small number of precise keywords instead of overloading with all relevant terms.
For example, if you are looking for Compliance Managers, Chief Data Officers and Head of Information Security in Germany:
DO three separate searches, each with one job title like this:
Keywords: Data
Job Title: Chief Data Officer
Location: Germany
DO NOT do a packed search like this:
Keywords: Data, Compliance, Security
Job Title: Compliance Managers, Chief Data Officers and Head of Information Security
Location: Germany and everywhere in Europe
Choose Country or City-level locations
E.g. "United Kingdom" or "London" are better than "Europe".
Also, if your location is a common name in many countries (e.g. "London" could exist in multiple countries) it is often helpful to include the country (e.g. "London, UK")
Try repeatedly until your preliminary results look right.
Your preliminary results don't cost any credits. So feel free to redo searches until you find a list of 10 that look 80-90% like your desired targets, before you start sourcing leads.
If there are only a very small number of results, try to reduce the number of terms you enter into the Search
If you want a lot of filters, go to Detailed Search.
Quick search works much better when you have specific job titles and companies in mind
If you have a lot of specific filters in mind, e.g. specific industry verticals, common hashtags, etc. it's better to use Detailed Search to replicate a specific set of filters on LinkedIn.
Last updated
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