Similar Companies

Find companies similar to your existing clients.

This feature is currently in closed beta to select Growth Plan subscribers.

What this does

You can provide the LinkedIn Company URL of an existing customer, or a company that seems like an ideal target customer. We will source 10 to 100 similar companies.

Each profile includes all of the company's LinkedIn profile information. We then also search for employees at those companies with any job title you specify, and include their personal profile details and corporate email addressses.

Who this is best for

This is best for companies with a very specific customer profile, who can also serve multiple competitors in one space.

For example, you might be selling real estate analytics tools. You can enter one real estate agency you already serve, and find 100 other similar agencies.

How this works

  • Click Find New Leads > Similar Companies

  • Enter the Company Name and LinkedIn URL of a target customer.

    • This can be an existing client, or an ideal customer target

  • The bot will show you 10 initial results similar to the company you provided. Check that they are broadly what you are looking for. Click on any profile to proceed.

    • This is based on the LinkedIn profiles users also viewed after seeing the link you specified. As a result, they may not always be direct competitors.

  • Once the search is complete, you will be prompted to find employees from these companies. Click "Yes" to proceed.

  • Specify the job titles of employees you would like to search for, e.g. "CEO"

  • The search will begin. You will receive live updates while the results come in. Once complete, the chat will resume.

  • Each employee profile will include their LinkedIn profile information and work email.

Last updated