Find Companies

You can filter first for the right companies, and then find relevant people in those companies.

We currently offer four different ways to find companies on Hyperscale.

Each of these will find companies first, and then find people at those companies via LinkedIn.

  • Companies via LinkedIn - Best for B2B companies

  • Physical Locations - Best for D2C products and those serving a fixed geographical area

  • Actively Hiring Companies - Best for B2B services like IT, recruitment, marketing and more.

  • Similar Companies - Best for companies with a very specific customer profile

Companies via LinkedIn

What this does

You can search for companies with extensive filters. In general, anything you can filter on LinkedIn can be filtered here.

Each profile will include the person's corporate email address (where available), and public LinkedIn profile information.

Who this is best for

This is best for B2B businesses looking to pitch to a specific type of person or company, e.g.

  • People with a specific job title ("Compliance Managers in Germany")

  • Companies with specific characteristics (e.g. "Financial services companies with between 10-50 employees"

Find Physical Locations

What this does

You can search for physical locations on Maps, and then flip to LinkedIn to find people who work at those locations.

Each profile will include their Maps data (e.g. location, description, website etc.), social media links (e.g. Instagram handle) and where available, emails.

Who this is best for

This is best for D2C businesses, or businesses looking for customers in a concentrated geographical area.

For example, if you are a F&B brand looking to distribute your product to restaurants and convenience stores near you, you can find "Casual Cafes near Oxford Street in London, UK". This will give you a detailed list of Cafe's. The system will then go into LinkedIn to find owners and staff who work at those Cafes, so you can pitch them directly.

Alternatively, you might be selling to small businesses in an area, such as "Interior Design Agencies in St Albans". This search will be much more effective on Maps than LinkedIn.

Find actively hiring companies

What this does

You can search for companies hiring for specific job titles, and then flip into LinkedIn to find people working at those companies.

Each profile includes the job posting, company LinkedIn details and more. We then also search for employees at those companies with any job title you specify, and include their personal profile details and corporate email addressses.

Who this is best for

This is best for B2B services. For example, if you offer IT support, you can find companies hiring for IT managers. Then, you can use Hyperscale to find the CEO, CHRO, or Head of IT at those companies, and pitch them that instead of hiring an IT manager, they should hire you.

In essence, this uses a company's hiring intent to find you the most qualified customers.

Find similar companies

What this does

You can provide the LinkedIn Company URL of an existing customer, or a company that seems like an ideal target customer. We will source 10 to 100 similar companies.

Each profile includes all of the company's LinkedIn profile information. We then also search for employees at those companies with any job title you specify, and include their personal profile details and corporate email addressses.

Who this is best for

This is best for companies with a very specific customer profile, who can also serve multiple competitors in one space.

For example, you might be selling real estate analytics tools. You can enter one real estate agency you already serve, and find 100 other similar agencies.

Last updated